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About Us

We don’t wait for the future. We build it.

Neolith is the world’s leading brand in Sintered Stone. A revolutionary architectural surface with premium technical features. At Neolith we never stop evolving, researching and developing new technologies because our objectives are clear:

Our ambition is

To keep inspiring and creating bright and bold spaces that are enjoyed to the fullest.

To make sustainable environments a reality.

To work responsibly with society and build a future we can all look forward to.

Who we are is how we work.

To be the leading brand in bringing unique spaces to life.

To inspire unique solutions for functional and sustainable indoor and outdoor spaces through the most innovative surfaces, creating extraordinary brand experiences.

Passion, innovation, partnership, signature style and inspiration are our beliefs and principles, the driving force behind what we do.

If we are market leaders it is because we want to do things differently.

Since 2009 until nowadays. Always looking towards the future

Here are all the reasons

Why Neolith?

Neolith is the global leader in the design and manufacturing of the most advanced Sintered Stone surfaces. Trusting Neolith means being on the cutting edge.

The company was founded by a family with an extensive background in natural stone and is supported by a world-class management team. In a few short years, Neolith has established itself as a world leader with the highest growth in the high-end segment of the building materials industry. Trusting Neolith means having a guarantee.

The way Neolith works is fully collaborative with a flat production platform that integrates everyone involved in the process. Trusting Neolith means teamwork.

The product delivers a distinctive added value that is backed by an outstanding communication strategy. Trusting Neolith means standing out.

A surface with as many applications as you can imagine

The range of applications for Neolith products is in constant expansion. Our relationship with the final customer, our market expertise and our capacity for innovation mean that we continue to evolve year after year, developing new applications for any space. The imagination is the limit.


And we have an extensive portolfio of collections that feature diferent models to cater to our customers’ diverse needs and preferences all over the world. This translates into our confidence that we can respond to the latest trends in design as well as provide the optimum technical solution for every product use, delivering both design and functionality every step of the way.

Our range of collections are also distinguished by their final characteristics. Something that our customers value because they can adapt the perfect design to the precise use of the surface.


We draw on this versatility and innovation to create unique spaces. Any type of space. From kitchens, bathrooms, facades, interiors, accessories, furniture… Neolith adapts to each and every one. To every current and future need.

Want to talk about innovation?

If you want to learn more about everything Neolith, we can chat whenever you want.


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– 2019 Archie Expo

– Goldman Gallery

– Vista Tomorrow ‘09

– 2017 Modern Daily

– 10th Annual Regarda

– Hamilton Showcase


– Imminent Plaza

– 2nd place, Tokyo

– 1st jury prize, NYCA

– 2018 Riviera Aw.

– NYC’s Most Wanted

– Fresh Faces, Ammi

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